My Minimalist Journey: The Beginning

2018 has seen a global recognition of the damage us humans are causing our planet. 

It's something that I have never really thought about in great detail before. I have always been so wrapped up in the day to day, that I never saw the bigger picture.

Like the millions of other people that are now looking, I want to make a change. This isn't a self righteous preachy post, this is a personal change for me and I respect the choices that other make wholly. I've reached an age now where I kind of know what I want from life, albeit a little later than I'd have wanted! Two primary goals I have established are:

1)  To save money:
I went to uni, got a good degree (and the debt to go with it) and even now, a year after graduation, I need more. I need a better pay check, I need a better standard of accommodation, I need a more fulfilling life. Living pay check to pay check is not fun. I know I'm not the only one.
My primary 2019 goal is to save money to enable me to achieve a better life.

2) To think ethically:
Do you know where half of your stuff comes from? I don't. I never gave it a second thought. I was that person who mindlessly bought anything from anywhere. I think now is a good time to give it some more thought, it's never too late!

I won't lie. It'll be tough. I have spent a lot of time reading blogs and watching YouTube advice from lovely people who have successfully managed to transition, I'm not expecting to be a changed woman overnight but I think in a year I'll have a clear mindset and not feel so lost.

Realistically, I cannot clear out my home over night. I cannot mindlessly get rid of my belongings. I have been working slowly over the last few weeks to reduce the amount of clutter I own. Firstly, I tackled my makeup collection. That's were a large portion of my problem lives. Secondly, I tackled my clothing and accessories. It made me feel really good to clear out and give to charity. On the other hand, I lapsed and spent a *lot* of money this month on replacement makeup. I think it was just 'feel good' factor.

This is going to be a work in progress. I'm not going to beat myself up over the lapse, but use it as a strong lesson.

If you have any suggestions, I'm all ears.... Please let me know in the comments below or contact me on my Instagram or Twitter.

Peace and Love.

Stacey x


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